Biblio Huerta-Productiva

Library Competition

BIBLIO-HUERTA, A New Library Concept

The Library of the Future goes beyond the loan and consultation of books, it is a dynamic space, of creation, of exchange of knowledge and ideas, that opens a door of connection with the world, incorporating new technologies. The Biblio-Huerta is understood as an experiential learning space, capable of stimulating the senses, making the user more connected with the outer spaces, the perception of the seasons and the micro eco-systems generated around the new knowledge space.

Hybrid Production Programs: Coexistence, Encounter and Community

Two productive programs are related generating a hybrid building that goes beyond the sum of the parts. The space for intellectual production is embraced with space for vegetable production, enriching one another, diluting the barriers between interior and exterior. The result is a flexible, versatile building, at the service of the community, capable of adapting to the changing needs of citizens, generating comfortable spaces for meetings and collective activities, fostering intergenerational and inclusive relationships.

The Agora: Space for Everything and for Everyone

The public outdoor space expands in the heart of the Library in the Ágora, which functions as a core. The double height allows the everyday to happen in an extraordinary space, and that the extraordinary happens in a natural way, integrated with the day-to-day uses, and allowing the Word, (even Music). Due to its position and configuration, it can be made independent allowing temporary alternative uses, encouraging collective activities, without interfering with the daily life of the Biblio-Huerta.

Integrative Library: Equality and Inclusion in Functional Diversity

The new Biblio-Huerta de Las Tablas is understood as an accessible space, inviting everyone to feel comfortable and integrated, for this it generates a series of increased accesses to open up public spaces to the maximum, minimizing fencing and eliminating barriers, facilitating the readability of uses and entries, encourages shared programs between interior and exterior spaces and fosters flexible spaces where tasks that can be carried out leave the domestic sphere and take place in the public realm, promoting gender equality and family conciliation. The inclusive nature of this new equipment for Las Tablas is adapted to people with functional diversity and makes them part of the new social and cultural life of the neighborhood.

Positive Energy: The Library of the Sustainable Future

The new Biblio-Huerta is a pedagogical building that represents the ideals of the Architecture of the Future showing the active and passive systems that guarantee an almost zero energy consumption and a very high level of Energy Efficiency. Winter Gardens that help regulate indoor temperature, advanced ventilation systems that allow control of air quality, construction materials and finishes of low or no toxicity, recyclable, high durability and that do not emit chemical pollutants that can be inhaled,

optimal use of natural light and artificial lighting to reduce energy consumption, efficient use of water, collecting it for irrigation and by installing low-flow equipment, solar panels for the production of energy