The Hospital La Fe de Valencia inaugurated on Wednesday, June 13 at 11:30 am, together with the Juegaterapia Foundation, the ‘Jardín de mi hospi’, built on one of the roofs of the Valencian health center in collaboration with the Conselleria de Sanitat Universal I Public Health. A garden that allows the children entered to play outdoors.
At the event attended:
– Carmelina Pla, General Director of Efficiency and Economic Regime of the Department of Universal Health and Public Health
– Mònica Almiñana, manager of the Department of Health València La Fe
– Santiago Cañizares, former soccer player and television commentator
– Mónica Esteban, president of the Juegaterapia Foundation
– Lorena del Río and Iñaki Carnicero, architects of the RICA * studio based in Madrid and New York, who – have designed the garden in solidarity.
– Press
– Companies, schools and entities that have helped to finance the hospital.
Pictures by Fernando Maquieira and Gonzalo Moreno